Google Ads & Facebook Ads Case Study:

How We Increased Traffic by 620%


The Center for Personalized Education for Physicians (CPEP) reached out to us in need of web traffic improvements and optimization of their ongoing Google Ads Grant Campaign. With offices in Denver, CO and Raleigh, NC, CPEP had been a client for years, so we already knew their niche and target audience in order to proceed with PPC Marketing.

For Google Ads Grant Campaigns, the budget and CPC is predetermined. That means working within a box. With a fixed ad spend, we knew that the best approach was to work to improve the Quality Score. We did this by:


Based on Chariot’s initial takeover & management of CPEP’s Google Ads account, Jan 2017 – May 2017

  • Curating CPEP’s keyword targets
  • Sprinkling magic into the Ad Sets (Yes, we do have an in-house unicorn in case you’re wondering.)
  • This in-turn increased click through rates (CTR)
  • Alas, we were able to increase CPEP’s Quality Score.
  • Result: Ads gained much more exposure and UP went their traffic!


Long Term Goal: Boosting visibility of ads and getting more clicks through to the site by optimizing the campaign to target those most likely to be interested. With Grant campaign restrictions removing control of budget and bids, other elements of the campaign were optimized to maximize the likelihood of conversions so Google would increase max CPC allowed and spend more of the Grant allowance on showing more ads to potential leads.

  • CTR: 5%
  • Bid Strategy: Maximum Conversion
  • Max Spend: $329 per day

March 2020 – May 2020 (3 months) compared to the previous year


We continued curating each campaign, creating stronger keyword targets based on the incoming data, and better targeting more promising demographics. The Click Through Rate (CTR) improved overall from 6.34% to 11.62%, while the spend was increased by 171%. The conversion rate remains steady at 6.71%.

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